Other Services

Canvas & Poster Prints

These are available in a range of sizes. Each print is assessed before printing to check the suitability of print size and quality, and can be made from digital files, negatives, or prints.

Posters are printed on 260gsm Professional Semi-matte Photo Paper.

Canvas prints printed on Premium Canvas Satin Textured Semi-Gloss, and are supplied on wooden stretcher bars. Once printed, part of the image is wrapped around all four sides, so please keep in mind that the focus of the image needs to be fairly central, and not near to the edge of your image.

We will scan negatives and prints to give the optimum resolution but supplied digital files should be saved at a high resolution, preferably around 18MB, to ensure quality of reproduction. 

Note: Canvas service only for Shop customers, not postal

Photo restoration

We utilise Adobe Photoshop for photo restoration and editing. We provide two levels of in-house photo restoration. Your image will be assessed at the time as to what work is required.

  • Level 1 – Basic removal of cracks, discolouration spots, brightness and contrast adjustments, etc.

  • Level 2 – more advanced repair, such as repairing substantial damage, removal of people from image, etc

If more detailed work is required, or for turning black and white images to colour, we send a digital copy of your image away to be processed (you retain the original), this service can take between 7 and 14 days, and we will give you a price prior to sending.   

Cine film and Video to DVD

Cine film

We are a registered agent with AFX Audio Visual Services Limited. This company provides a professional service that has allowed hundreds of thousands of customers to relive memories that would otherwise be lost in time.

Whatever format your memories are stored on, they can preserve them to DVD, or USB, yours to treasure and enjoy for generations. From: Standard 8mm, Super 8mm, 9.5mm and 16mm with or without sound. If a soundtrack is detected on the film, it will be recorded at no extra charge.

8mm cine film: 50ft is 3-4 minutes, 200ft is 14-16 minutes, 400ft is 28-32 minutes

9.5mm&16mm: 50ft is 2 minutes, 200ft is 8 minutes, 400ft is 16 minutes.

Standard Definition Transfer to DVD/Blu-ray: Each film is assessed, repaired (if needed) and transferred to DVD. The DVD will contain a basic menu page with chapter buttons that link to the start of each reel of film.

High-Definition Transfer to DVD/Blu-ray: Each film is assessed, cleaned, repaired (if needed) and transferred to USB as MPEG4 files unless a video DVD is requested instead. The files can be used for streaming, storage, editing and viewing on a smart TV, computer or laptop. If a DVD is requested, it will contain a basic menu page with chapter buttons that link to the start of each reel of film.

Premium Film Transfer to DVD/Blu-ray: Each film is assessed, cleaned, repaired (if needed), colour corrected and edited as necessary (blank/poor sections removed, scratches and speckles reduced). DVD or Blu-ray menu pages and chapter buttons are created specific to your production.

As we send away for this service, the turnaround is between 5 and 10 working days.

Video to DVD or USB

This is a local service that we use, and will record VHS tapes up to the length of 3 hours onto DVD. They can also provide extra copies of DVDs, and copies of the DVD at a later date if required.

VHS can also be transferred to USB instead if preferred.

The turnaround of this service is 5-7 working days.

Passport Photo Services (shop only)

For local customers, you can pop into our shop (no appointment necessary) for your passport photos to be taken by our trained staff, between 09:00 and 16:30 Monday to Friday.

You can choose between getting a print copy, or a digital copy sent to your email address, to upload with your application (physical print is included in the price of the digital copy).

We can offer photos for many international passport photos and visas, please check with us to see if we can suit your requirements.

Our UK passport photos are also the same size that is used for driving licences, railcards, student cards, bus passes, season tickets, ID cards etc

Framing (shop only)

For local customers we have a large selection of high-quality frames of varying standard sizes. We are happy to put your images into any purchased frames, and will help with any queries you may have, and also guide with selecting a frame if required.

We do not offer a bespoke framing service.